
Find your new home

Whether you want to live on campus in a residence hall, or off campus in a house, apartment, or townhome, it is important to find housing before you arrive in the United States.

Your first housing decision should be whether you want to live on campus or off campus. If you are a first-year undergraduate student at IU Bloomington, you are required to live on campus.

Short-term stay options

Need a place to stay for a few days when you arrive in Bloomington? We have plenty of local hotels that are convenient to the campus.

Find a hotel

On-campus housing

IU Bloomington features more than 20 residence halls and student apartment buildings. All offer on-campus dining, high-speed wireless internet, laundry facilities, fully furnished rooms, and more. You can also request to live in a learning community.

On-campus housing allows you to be close to your classes. It provides a classic college experience and sense of community among students.

Scholars who visit IU for shorter periods of time often live on campus, as well.

Special on-campus housing options

IU Bloomington offers several special housing options. These include Living-Learning Centers (LLCs) and thematic communities.

There are Living Learning Centers for many schools and areas of study, including the Jellison LLC for Kelley students, the Hamilton-Lugar School LLC for globally-minded students, the Civic Leaders LLC, and the Women in STEM LLC, among others.

Learn more about special housing options

IU Classifieds

Look for a rental or a roommate in IU Classifieds. You’ll need to have your IU network ID set up to log in to this website.

Visit IU Classifieds

Apartment search websites

Search for “apartments in Bloomington, Indiana” and you’ll find many of these comprehensive sites. Most of these sites offer a map view and list price and amenities, so you can find a mix of location, price, and features that will work for you.

Local newspapers

Check the classified ads in the local and student newspaper.

IU Real Estate

If you are currently a student or scholar at IU Bloomington, search IU Real Estate’s list of available properties. Although these properties are managed by IU, these are off-campus properties available to students, faculty, and staff.

Visit IU Real Estate

GPSG Housing Board

If you are a graduate student at IU Bloomington, search the Graduate and Professional Student Government’s (GPSG) housing board for vacancies.

Visit the GPSG Housing Board

Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs

If you are a graduate student at IU Bloomington, search the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs’ listing of available rental housing.

Visit the Office of the Vice Provost

Tips to remember when looking for off-campus housing

When shopping for an off-campus home:

  • Shop around and compare prices.
  • Check the deposit policy to see if it is refundable.
  • Check the lease duration. If you are not going to be in Bloomington for 12 months, try to find a lease for shorter than 12 months. If you cannot find a shorter lease, plan to sublet (privately lease from another person) during the months that you will be in Bloomington.
  • Ask questions of former and current tenants if possible.
  • Get everything you agree upon in writing.
  • Read the entire lease before you sign it.
  • Follow all terms of the contract you sign.
  • Do not sign a lease until you have inspected the apartment, house, or room in person.
  • Do not sign a lease if you do not agree with all the terms. Try to negotiate until you can come to an agreement.

What is renter’s insurance, and do I need to buy it?

Renter’s insurance protects the value of the belongings you keep inside your rental property in case of theft, fire, or other sources of damage. It is usually not required to sign a lease, but we recommend that you purchase it. Most major insurance providers in the United States offer renter’s insurance.